FAQs – Cleaning Service Jargon Busting
What is an inventory and why do I need one?

An inventory is a report detailing the state of a property at the beginning of a tenancy. The report can help avoid a dispute over a tenancy deposit when a tenant moves out as it is a clear indicator of the state of a property when moved into. It is in the best interests of both the vendor and tenant to carry out and check an inventory as this could potentially help avoid a costly dispute. Pinpoint Homes date and time stamp all of their photos to ensure clarity and minimise doubt.
FAQs – Cleaning Service Jargon Busting

Does it make a difference whether the property is furnished or unfurnished?

Whether unfurnished or otherwise the report will take note of the walls, flooring, windows, doors, kitchen units & appliances all of which are arguably the key aspects of the property. Bearing this in mind it is just as important to obtain a report for an empty property as it is a fully furnished one.
FAQs – Cleaning Service Jargon Busting

How long does an inventory take?

Typically, the report will take approximately 2 and a half hours. Of course, this will depend on the number of bedrooms and whether the property is furnished.
FAQs – Cleaning Service Jargon Busting

What areas do you cover?

We cover anywhere inside the M25 subject to availability.
FAQs – Cleaning Service Jargon Busting

What is the turnaround time for your inventory reports?

We are able to provide a completed report within 12 hours upon request.
FAQs – Cleaning Service Jargon Busting

Do you take meter readings?

Yes. Where accessible. We also obtain location and serial numbers for meters.
FAQs – Cleaning Service Jargon Busting

What is an EPC (energy performance certificate)?

An EPC gives a property an energy efficiency rating from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient) and is valid for 10 years. The EPC rates a property’s performance in terms of Energy use per square metre of floor area and contains information about how energy is used in a home, along with details of how much the energy used actually costs. Energy Performance Certificates are a legal requirement and must be available before the property is placed on the market. If you do not have one Pinpoint Homes can help you with this.

  • ISO9001
  • CHAS Accredited Contractor
  • BICS - Cleaning