Even though the housing industry was hit quite hard by Covid-19, things are starting to get better and demand is beginning to rise again with property viewings at an all-time high. The rental market, in particular, has seen a sudden boom!
Even though more people are now wanting to move since lockdown restrictions easing, things aren’t going to go back to normal. Conducting viewings will be very different to before and there are a number of things you need to think about before, during and after viewings.
Here is some guidance to help you prepare yourself and your property for viewings during Covid-19.
Covid-19 Property Viewings Preparation Guidelines
Before the Viewing
Deep and Thorough Cleaning
Of course, this was general practice beforehand but now is extremely essential. Give the entire property a deep clean, ensuring that all surfaces and objects that are likely to be touched, such as handles and banisters, are completely sanitised. If you would like this done professionally, Pinpoint Homes provide the deep cleaning services that your property needs.
Air Out the Property
Open all windows, doors and any other sources of ventilation ahead of the viewing to properly ventilate the property. This will reduce the risk of infection as well as make the space feel nice and fresh when viewers walk in.
Open All Necessary Doors
In addition to opening doors to ventilate, it is a good idea to open all cupboards and internal storage spaces, so no one has to touch the handles. Minimising unnecessary contact is a safe way to reduce the risk of infection.
Stock Up on Hand Sanitiser
Try your best to provide hand sanitiser for the viewers. It is good to have some on hand, so they feel as protected as possible in the property and understand that you are competent with Covid-19 guidelines.
During the Viewing
Limited Number of Viewers
It’s common knowledge now that groups should be avoided during this pandemic. Limit the number of people that are allowed to visit and view at one time, so every party feels as safe as possible.
Personal Protective Equipment
PPE has become part of our daily wardrobes anyway, so this is a no brainer. Make sure you enforce the rule that every viewer has to wear a face mask, and possibly gloves. To be extra prepared, make sure you supply some PPE just in case any viewers forget.
Socially Distancing
When showing prospective tenants around the property, make sure to keep at least 1 metre distance. If the property is small, the best way to achieve this could be to stand outside while the viewers have a look around.
After the Viewing
Deep and Thorough Cleaning
Just like the start, it’s time to clean again. Wipe down any surfaces that were touched during the viewing or, in order to be safe, book in another deep clean with Pinpoint Homes so you are ready for the next viewing.
Another alternative to in-person property viewings are virtual viewings which are safer for Covid-19, but do not have the same impact and feel as if you were really in the property.
It’s your choice, but always make sure you are safe! Contact us today to find out more about our property management and cleaning services.